Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Ultimatum - LIVER TRANSPLANT as soon as possible

“Our Dear Lord’s Strongest Soldiers,
on the Front Line of  a Great Battle” 

-Armed with Faith, Hope & Love-

The Ultimatum

(sadly TIME IS NOT ON OUR SIDE, To give you an overview of our endeavor; please before reading this message, kindly check the previews posts or the links below for further knowledge about the current situation. Thank you! 

o   Biliary Atresia w/ Liver Cirrhosis (Signs of Portal Hypertension)

·         PROJECT:
o   A Life Extension Project

·         PROCEDURE:
o   Liver Transplantation

·         PLACE:
o   Overseas, possibly in HongKong, Singapore or Taiwan
§  These countries have expertise in Liver Transplantation procedures especially Taiwan, according to our contacts, a hospital there does liver transplantation procedures on babies atleast 3x a week.
§   Expertise & Experience result to a higher percentage of survival.

·         PROJECT COST:

o   Pre-Operation Procedures & Tests
§  Estimated P500, 000 to be done here in the Philippines.
o   Surgical Operation, Doctors Fee, Hospitalization
§  An estimated P5,000,000 – 6,000,000 (Five to Six Million Pesos) or
$100,000-130,000 (Seventy-Thousand to One Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars)
o   Lifetime Maintenance
§   The patients who have undergone liver transplantation will need to take immunosuppressants (medicine of anti-rejection) for lifetime to prevent rejection of their liver. Regular checkup is also requested for liver transplant patient. In Taiwan, the estimated cost of monthly immunosuppressants and checkup is around NT. 15,000 to 20,000 (peso conversion x 1.5) P20,000 – 30,000.
·                                                                             POST OPERATION  OPEN-CLOSE OPERATION CHOLANGIOGRAM AND LIVER BIOPSY
                                                                   ABORTED EXCISION OF CHOLEDOCHAL CYST / BYPASS OPERATION- CHIEF SURGEON'S DECISION 



·         PROPONENT

§  Nissi B. del Rosario - Father
§  Jonalyn A. Fradejas - Mother

         In behalf of my family i write this plea, i'm Mr. Nissi B. del Rosario the father of Alyss Brielle F. del Rosario, an aspiring architect and a native Igorot from the Northern Tribe of Cordillera Mountains in the Philippines. 


         In as much as we want the LIVER TRANSPLANTATION to be done as soon as possible, my family don't have available cash,hence the move to start this Fundraising Campaign with your collective effort and help.  

            We Humbly & Sincerely ask for any kind of Help you may want to extend to us.

o   Please contact us directly thru our Facebook or Email accounts
o   Or thru our CP#
§  +639-261172276
§  +639-173630137

·         Events'  Organizers / Fund Raising Activities

    I firmly believe what we don’t have individually can be achieved with numbers.  I have faith in the power of organizations and collective humanitarian efforts.

        To anyone out there who may be reading this letter, with the capability to help, support or share ideas with us. I sincerely ask for your time and assistance. Dedicated us we are, our network of friends and family is small yet is made of great hearts. We’ll do our best to cooperate on projects of your assistance.

o   Please contact us directly thru our Facebook or Email accounts
o   Or thru our CP#
§  +639-261172276
§  +639-173630134

·         Spiritual Support

         In behalf of my family, We believe we're made of more than flesh, we believe in spirituality; we believe in one God, the greatest physician, with whom all things are possible.

         We sincerely thank everyone who intercedes for us, May your continued prayers and faith bring miracle to every Life you touch. 

      As children of the Universal Architect, and chosen co-architects here on earth, It’s our responsibility to take care of every living and non-living thing. Brothers and sisters,  Deeply rooted are we in our being interconnected with each other. 

        We entrust everything to The Great Architect of the Universel. Amen.

·         Financial Support thru direct or indirect Cash donations:

Helpless as we are, we plea and humbly ask to all financially blessed persons, a wholeheartedly given donation of any amount. As parents, we promise to account and use every centavo/money for our daughter’s well-being, none of it will be put to waste.
Thank you and May God continue to shower His Blessings to you and your Family! Truly we believe, you’re a blessing to the needy.

o   Bank of the Philippine Islands, St. Lukes Branch, Quezon City, Phil.
o   Peso Account # 003893-0830-48
o   In the name of Alyss Brielle Fradejas del Rosario
o   CP#: +639-261172276

·         Note to our Family & Friends: Clans & Tribes

To our dearest Families,Relatives, and Friends, You've always been there, supporting us in every way you can, our backbone in times of struggle.
Your efforts and heartfelt support, always standing by our side in times of distress; your love and compassion is where we take our strength,keeping us afloat on rough waters of distress and dead ends.                                   

·         Note To HIM,
               We thank you O’ Lord for the Blessing of Life. In this great trial and test of faith in our life, a cleansing stage for our souls. 

           As a result of our sinful nature we had cast this curse upon ourselves. We repent and ask for your forgiveness for we have sinned. Believing in your great mercy that surpasses all knowledge, wisdom and understanding, this child, your gift to us, bless and heal her O’ Lord, allow her to continue her life on earth; we’ll do with you help, show her the beauty of your creation for all the rest of her life.

                 Lead us O’ Lord to our rightful path, re-design our broken plans.                 

            May Your Will be Done. Amen

From your faithful servant,

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